Sean Ellis is credited with coining the term “growth hacking” in 2010 and has played key early growth and marketing roles at several companies that have exceeded billion dollar valuations including Dropbox, Eventbrite, LogMeIn, Lookout and Uproar. He led marketing at both LogMeIn and Uproar from customer zero until IPO filings and is now the founder and CEO of GrowthHackers, an integrated community and workflow system for the next generation of agile growth organizations.
Watch Video and View SlidesAs agile marketers, we are constantly coming up with new hypotheses and messages to test, but we are limited by time, budget and resources. In this talk Mark Harnett will review the best practices for selecting what you should test next and how to do it without risking the company. He will cover pricing, risk management, channel selection and budgeting. This will be an interactive session, so come with questions and examples.
Watch Video and View SlidesDavid Jones explains how you can leverage machine learning to boost the cart completition and cart value of an online store.
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