When combining of TV Ads and dot-coms, the old John Wannamaker sawhorse “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half” is optimistic.
Only wasting half would be a substantial performance gain. The quote also points to one of the truths of marketing: the marketing is the easy part, the real challenge is the measuring. And measuring TV can be particularly difficult.
Using real data from multi-million-dollar online and broadcast advertising campaigns, the talk will examine and quantify the lift of television advertising on all aspects of online customer acquisition. Be smarter than John Wannamaker, know which half of your advertising works, and stop wasting the other half.
Dave Schwartz was a quantified direct marketing professional before there was an internet. So at NextCard in the late 1990's, he brought his expertise to the internet to pioneer many of the tactics still broadly used today. Later, he built the marketing team at Coupons.com to create a top 50 US internet audience with more than 20MM monthly uniques. And he has since led Marketing for PKR, a leading online poker company based in London, as well as founded Cold Creek Technologies, builder of SegmentMaster, the world's most advanced and flexible multi-channel advertising reporting system.
Filmed July 24, 2013 at Artis Ventures